Think you might want to RELOCATE to Stanton?

March Mayhem – Presented by Stanton Schools

Red Cross Blood Drive

Stanton Viking Center 501 Elliott St., Stanton, IA, United States

Presented by the Stanton School's FCCLA, a Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at the Viking Center on February 18th starting at 9:30am.  Call the Stanton High School office to set up an appointment at: 712-829-2162.

Tech Tune-Up – Presented by FMTC

FMTC Tech Center 315 Broad Ave, Stanton, IA, United States

Struggling with your device?  Don't have a laptop or desk computer?  Need better computer skills, but not sure where to start?  This event will help!  Bring your device, or take advantage of the opportunity to speak with an FMTC tech about your concerns.  This is  FREE event!  A Community Broadband Action Network Digital Navigator will […]